(Re)starting a personal site in $current_year

· #personal

When I was a teen, I used to have a small Wordpress blog. I barely remember what kind of content I put out, besides some rehashed recipes for skateboard wax. What I do remember about it were conversations that it led to. Both friends and strangers commented on the posts, with questions and feedback, or sometimes even just to say thanks.

Recently, there seems to be a resurgence in personal sites and blogging, or perhaps I've just been reading HackerNews more and got trapped in a frequency illusion. In any case, it brought back the good memories of my old blog (more cognitive bias?) and I started to do some exploratory research and keeping track of ideas. Then, about a month ago, this thread on HackerNews pushed me over the edge. Reading about personal blogs leading to new communities, friendships, business opportunities, or simply a better understanding of something you thought you knew... Well, here we are.

This blog is statically generated with Zola, because it does exactly what's needed in no time at all, and I'm a sucker for Rust. I want to keep it as minimal as possible, both to keep it maintainable and because I'm a firm believer in the benefits of a leaner web. The theme is custom, but I got inspiration (and code, let's be real) from perfectmotherfuckingwebsite.com, after-dark, lightspeed, and other amazing stuff that I forgot to save.

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